Rock and roll is the origin of rock music. It can be called rockabilly, too. This category are influenced by rhythm and blues, and has eight beats, scale and chord progression of blues, that is to say, Rock and roll make up of the elements of black music like blues, changed into white music. Basically instruments are electric guitar ,electric bass and drums, but often added piano, acoustic guitar and brass instrument like saxophone. In Japan, Kosaka Kazuya and Hirao Akimasa are famous.
Kosaka Kazuya
Hard rock is base on blues, and the playing style is so hard. Main defferences are following. First, bands who play the style perform with big and aggressive sound. Second, they uses Distortion, which changes sound of electric guitar, for making "warm", "dirty" and "fuzzy" sounds. Third, drumming characteristically focuses on driving rhythms, strong bass drum and a back beat on snare, sometimes using cymbals for emphasis. Their songs are often made up of heavy and low tunes. In Japan, B'z and Kegawa no mary's are famous.
Kegawa no Mary's
Mixture rock is only exist in Japan. "Mixture rock" is the word made in Japan. It is called rap rock or rap metal overseas. The category means music that mix rock into black music-rap, hip-hop, reggae- or ethnic music. This category has developed into loud rock. Loud rock is related not only to mixture rock but also hard rock, heavy metal. In this category, vocal use wide vocal style like death voice and rap, and guitar play heavy riff with down tuning, samplar and turn table are introduced, so many unique idea are adapted. FACT, Fear, and loathing in Las Vegas are Famous.
Fact/a fact of lie
Visual kei is a style of Japanese rock band or rock musician. Generally it mean male band or member. They has outstanding hear style and makeup, and outfit. In incunabula, they bristled own hair and made up themselves with thick cosmetic. In 1990's, they dress up like woman. Their songs is usually heavy metal or pop rock based on J-pop hard rock. The lyric is often reflexive and aggressive, also the content are sadness love. X Japan, Luna sea and shido are famous.
luna sea/true blue
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