Wednesday, October 16, 2013

2.Definition and history of bath of Japanese Rock music

  Definition of Japanese rock music is very simple. It depends on members of group and stronghold. Members of band are Japanese, the rock band can be called Japanese rock group. Members are not Japanese, but they perform mainly in Japan, they can be called so. Sometimes "J-Rock"means groups that belong to a label of being, but the meaning is narrow sense. In Japan, word of "Rock" can be accepted in many ways. Sometimes it include Pop music, rhythm and blues and so on. It meaning is near to popular music. But, in this blog, I will use the word of "rock music", which means the songs composed by  the groups that are made up of Japanese or made in japan.

   In Japan, how has  the rock music born? First of all, base of Japanese rock were created by Rock'n'roll or rockabilly, which were developed in America, then brought into Japan in latter 1950's. Then, like U.S. , Rock'n'roll became old-fashioned, rockabilly changed into soft, and trancelated pops and electric instrument rock were in fashion in early 1960's. Latter 1960's, the beatles, a famous rock group and their stronghold is the U.K. built an period of "group sounds" in Japan because of their visiting in japan. "Group sounds" was made by group that consist like rock group, but the songs were near to popular songs; the forms resembled the rock band, the songs were far from those. The Spiders, the Blue Comets, the Tigers and the Tempters were famous groups.

  In 1968, fathers of Japanese rock music were born, which were the folk crusaders and the Jackas, and the year when the two groups flourished can be called the first year of Japanese rock. And, the shape of Japanese rock were built by the band of happy end. This group made  rock musics that were sung by Japanese word and " established Japanese word rock music. At this point,  a dispute that Japanese word  match rock music whether well or not. By the way, this time, the rock musics were not succeed in commerce.

  Then, in 1970's, rock music became a period of new music which was attempt to form Japanese own rock music system accepting  foreign culture of rock music. While this period, Japanese rock music was splited into two groups because of dispute of Japanese word Rock, and it is born that the group of absolute rock which insisted that the standard of rock music was that of foreign and the group of relative rock which insisted that Japanese rock should accept not only element of foreign rock but also that of Japanese and own culture and tradition. At this time, Japanese rock was diversified.

  After that, many category of Japanese rock were born, for example thecno, new wave, punk, heavy and metal. Indies developed, young people try to go to major stage throgh this energetically.

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